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  • Writer's pictureKyubi

Eternal Return 1.0: How to Survive and Escape Lumia Island

Eternal Return 1.0 is all about survival, and sometimes, survival means escaping. In this guide, we'll dive into some strategies to not only stay alive but how to escape Lumia Island in Eternal Return. Remember, winning isn't just about taking down every opponent; it's about knowing when to fight and when to flee.

Don't pick a fight you cannot win

It might seem counterintuitive, but one of the most crucial skills in Eternal Return 1.0 is knowing when not to fight. Engaging in battles you can't win often leads to a quick exit from the game. Group fights early on in the game might be exciting but you risk losing the game with a very low placement.

1. Solo Play Early On

In the first two days on Lumia Island, avoid grouping up with your team. If all three squad members fall in a fight, it's game over. Play it safe and stay separated until conditions are more favorable. You might be near a squad mate, and they are engaged in a fight, do not go and help them. Instead, continue with your crafting and leveling. They will be able to revive and get back into the game if at least one of you are still alive.

2. When should you Group Up?

Group up only when there are around 4-5 squads remaining. This is usually the 3rd or 4th day, and a almost half of the map is closed. At this point, most of the enemy squads would probably also be grouped up. Take note that you cannot revive by yourself anymore after day 3, a squad mate has to spend credits to revive you, so think carefully and judge your squad's capability at this point.

Leveling Up and Crafting

Surviving the early game is crucial to your success. Focus on crafting your gear and leveling up quickly to gain an advantage over your opponents. Here's how:

Crafting in Lumia Island
Hotel > School > Forst

1. Learn Your Craft Route

Know your build's craft route by heart. Familiarity with crafting locations saves time and allows you to level up efficiently. You want to know where the next location for your gear crafting is so that you do not need to open up the map to check, you also want to keep an eye out for how many of the materials you have already gathered so that you can move to the next location quickly the moment the operator tells you to do so.

2. Material Management

Some materials, like leather can only drop from hunting the wild animals, instead I would suggest to buy these ingredients as you'll take a long time to fight them early on. Right-click the material on the top-right of your screen to buy them, you might also consider buying the other materials if the boxes are not showing what you need. This might require some game sense to know what to buy and how long to search for materials, I'm not claiming to be a master at this, but you'll be able to decide better the more you play the game.

3. Experience Points (XP) Matter

Collect XP by searching loot boxes and harvesting rocks and plants, do these even if you don't need the materials. Harvesting gives you 100 XP per action, while searching for loot offers 70 XP. It may not seem like much, but it adds up quickly. Locations like the beach are filled with boxes that you can loot and interact with, you can very quickly earn a lot of XP this way. If you come across a drop package, these give you 350 XP. I usually collect a ton of rocks and plants, and then drop them somewhere after to manage my inventory. This is a crucial thing to do if you want to level up fast.

Survive and Thrive

Remember that the goal is survival, not elimination. Being higher in level provides a significant advantage in battles and improves your chances of lasting longer in the game. Use this to survive and not to hunt other players down actively. If you can kill your enemies, great, but if the struggle is too tight, you might want to instead back away from the fight safely. I have encountered so many battles where my squad won a fight, only to be wiped out by another squad passing by because we were at low health. The map will show where everybody is at the start of every day as well as battles happening near you, so remember to take note of that in order to put yourself in a better map position.

Eternal Return, the Great Escape

Escaping Lumia Island

After day 3, an alternative victory strategy emerges - escape Lumia Island. You can purchase a rootkit from the kiosk for 150 credits and use a teleporter to reach the "???" location at the bottom of the map, right beside the Dock.

Consider escaping if your enemies have outleveled you, your squad mates have died or disconnected and victory seems uncertain. Escaping in such situations can be a smart move. You might have to sneak around red zones to get the rootkit, and hide in bushes to avoid combat, but it's better than suicide by picking a fight you cannot win.

Keep an eye out for opponents who might be aware of your escape plans. Some players camp near kiosks, hoping to ambush those attempting to escape. You might even want to consider buying the rootkit early on after day 3, to prepare if you have enough credits.

How to win Eternal Return 1.0

In Eternal Return 1.0, survival is the ultimate goal. Whether you choose to battle it out or make a strategic exit, I hope these tips will help you navigate Lumia Island better.


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